Who we are

Heritage Apiary is a female owned business located in the beautiful Roanoke valley started out of our love for Honey Bees, but we are so much more than just our award winning local honey.

Our Honey Bee outreach program aims to educate communities about the vital role of bees in our ecosystem and promote sustainable practices for their care. Through hands-on workshops and demonstrations, participants learn the fundamentals of beekeeping, including bee life cycles, equipment and practices, and the importance of pollinators in agriculture. This initiative not only fosters a greater appreciation for these industrious insects but also encourages local food production and biodiversity.

We have events year round at schools, retirement communities, festivals, and local libraries, we can bring our observation hive to your event too! We also host tours at our Blue Ridge Apiary, where you can dive into a working bee hive, with beekeeper suits for all ages.

The program empowers individuals to become stewards of the environment, helping to combat the decline of bee populations while reaping the benefits of fresh honey and increased pollination for crops. Our program can be geared toward any age, and meets Virginia SOL targets for teachers and home educators.

What to see and hear about us?

Check us out on the local news!